Suffice it to say sexist comments, like all other discriminatory views, are unwelcome and are to be actively discouraged from football (as well as in all walks of life). It should be common decency that a person should be judged on their ability and talent, rather than on unfounded preconceived guesses handed down, and accepted, by ignoramuses.

Keys and Gray deserve all the criticism they get and then some. One of their targets Karren Brady, who is currently West Ham vice-chairman, said:
“It never would have occurred to me that they had those views, whether public or private".
Well Ms Brady, this is not an isolated incident. The sexist attitude of Keys and Gray, who have been presenting football for Sky Sports for nearly two decades, has been around from the very beginning. This latest incident only serves to reveal that their bigoted views will not change. For example, here is a videoclip of this pair of clowns back in 1998, when they could not contain themselves (smirking, guffawing, etc) while watching highlights from the 1998 Women’s FA Cup Final.
Andy Gray & Richard Keys Laughing At Women's Football
Apart from Sky Sports deciding to suspend the pair of clowns for one night, let's see what (if any) other punishments will be meted out to Keys and Gray.
ASIDE (since this is a Refereeing blog!):
If you watch the 1998 Women's FA Cup Final highlights carefully, two Arsenal goals perhaps should have been disallowed and this would have meant that unfashionable Croydon would probably have won the 1998 Women’s FA Cup.
The first Arsenal goal perhaps should have been disallowed for a push in the back (0:38); and the third Arsenal goal maybe could have been offside (1:36).
Sky presenters in the firing line over sexist jibes at female match official
Richard Keys and Andy Gray stood down from Sky game over sexism row
Sky Sports presenters Andy Gray and Richard Keys say sorry after mocking lineswoman during Liverpool victory
Sky Sports presenters Keys and Gray score an own goal as microphone picks up sexist diatribe against female linesman - and Apprentice star Karren Brady
Linogate: the fall-out begins... Sky say sorry as Andy Gray and Richard Keys foul up
Sky sexism was no surprise but prejudice needs punishment
Premier League - Sky football presenters in sexism storm
What is left unsaid most of the time is that the comments were unaired. They weren't promoting their views to others. Women with no direct League experience given the token spot to ref men's football should expect to be called on it rather than be coddled by the powers that be.